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The Explorers Club, Norway Chapter

Brynje of Norway and Explorers Club Norway collaborate to share inspiration and information related to tough expeditions and trips. Explorers Club Norway uses Brynje's premises in Kongens gt. 16 in Oslo for lectures, gatherings and planning of expeditions.

The Explorers Club is a multidisciplinary, professional society dedicated to the advancement of field research, scientific exploration and resource conservation. The Club’s members include leaders in polar exploration, diving, aerospace exploration, archaeology, zoology, physics, oceanography, astronomy, ecology, geology, paleontology, conservation mountaineering, and speleology and so on. The Club counts among its members the giants of twentieth-century exploration; its present and future members are determined to leave humankind a similar legacy of discovery and achievement in the twenty-first century.
The Explorers Club was founded in New York in 1904, and its over 3500 members are now organised into more than thirty national and international chapters which serve as local contact points for explorers, scientists, and student explorers throughout the world. Many chapters hold monthly dinners, lectures, and seminars, award field-research grants to students, publish newsletters, and organize expeditions, field trips, and educational events. The Norway Chapter was founded in 1989, and today has over seventy members, predominantly from Norway, and also Iceland, Denmark, and individual members from other countries with an interest in Norwegian exploration. 

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